She Scales Podcast

New episode every Monday at 9am MST..

You’re weekly scaling church, to scale your life, your business and live poetically as hell! To raise above the BS, to break the rules and to be wild in this life. This is the place that gives you permission to be a multitude of identities as a woman and to live your life and create with your whole heart without losing yourself in the obstacles that life throws at you!

I have helped thousands of women find their truth, create their dream life and make the wealth they wanted..

But most importantly to become your own main character in your own story- this is about you finding your power and writing your truth, writing your life, and then matching it with strategy.

I’m a poet, a business consultant, a podcaster, speaker, a dog mom and so many other things..

Don’t you ever niche down and put yourself in a box if you know that you are made to be powerful, and alive in this life..

As Mary Oliver says:

“What are you going to do with you one wild and precious life?”

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Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!