You’re signed up for She Rose Love Letter Workshop February 16th at 11am MST!



My Valentines Day gift to you my love..

A year ago I left a 10 year relationship that was draining my soul..

I almost lost myself completely by giving all of my love to someone who didn’t have the capacity to love me..

The truth was, I stayed for so long because I craved a love that wasn’t there.

What changed my life, my businesses, my wealth and honestly has made me into a better woman at the rip age of 28 years old was deciding to write the love I wanted into existence..

I wrote a love letter to myself every night and read it every morning for a year, I showered myself in poetry, I gave myself gifts, took myself on flights- I gave myself the highest love, and taught myself what unconditional love looks like by loving me.

So my prompt for you would be to be a little “delulu” (yes this a strategy to reprogram your beautiful brain), and the prompt before the class is:

“What does loving myself look like today?”

List everything. List how you want it to feel, be a lover girl, a romantic, be delusion.. we will talk about it more in class..

Please come live, its going to change your life but if you can’t make it it will be recorded and uploaded within 48 hours for the replay!


Helena Rose